How to play crusader kings 3

How to play crusader kings 3

Crusader Kings 3 is a strategy game created by Paradox Interactive. You take control of a medieval ruler and guide their dynasty through the years to come. The game has been around since 2012, but it’s still one of the most popular games in its genre. In this article, we will show you how to play Crusader Kings 3 so that you can start playing it as soon as possible! The article is brought to you by

Choose a character

How to play crusader kings 3
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Now that you’ve picked a character, it’s time to choose one of their traits. There are several factors involved in determining which trait will give your character the biggest boost:

The location of your starting province has a huge impact on how quickly it can grow and expand its realm. For example, if you start in France or Spain and have enough money for an army to conquer neighboring territories early on, then that would be ideal because those countries are rich with gold mines and farmlands (which means more money).

On the other hand, if someone starts out with poor resources but still wants land badly enough then maybe they should try conquering another country first before trying their luck at expansionism! Either way, there are pros and cons so think about what makes sense for each individual ruler as well as their family history/legacy when making decisions like these. Keep reading: How to summon Herobrine in Minecraft

Start a campaign

To start a campaign, you’ll need to choose a character. You can choose from one of many different rulers who lived during the time period and were important figures in history. If you want your own character or someone specific, click on “Create Ruler” on the main screen and follow the instructions there.

When you start playing Crusader Kings 3 (CK3), it will ask where exactly your campaign starts–the year and location that sets up your story as well as sets up what kind of challenges and opportunities will be available for you early on in life!

Build an empire

A good way to build your empire is by using your vassals. Vassals are the lords in your realm who owe you allegiance, and they can be used as tools to increase your income, army, prestige, and piety.

Here’s how:

  • Income – You can collect taxes from the cities and provinces that belong to your vassals. This will make them happy because they don’t have to pay any taxes themselves!
  • Army – If one of your armies loses a battle against another faction’s forces (such as those belonging to another king), its soldiers may defect and join their former lord’s cause instead. The more land you control in each province or city-state under its control means more men at arms ready for battle on demand when needed most!
  • Prestige – Every time someone visits one of these places they’ll be impressed by what they see–it’ll boost their opinion about us! This makes it easier for us when negotiating deals with other parties during peace talks since there won’t be much resistance coming our way due to “political pressure” so to speak.”

Deal with rebels and other threats

Now that you know how to deal with rebels and other threats, it’s time for you to take action!

  • Deal with rebels: If your vassals are unhappy, they may revolt against their liege. When this happens, they’ll be labeled “rebels” in red text on the map and their armies will appear as enemies instead of allies. You can either try to crush them or negotiate a peace treaty–but if the rebellion is successful (and it usually will be), then all of your lands will be lost and given over to someone else who claims it as their own. Be careful about letting too many vassals get angry at once!
  • Deal with other threats: This includes anything from natural disasters like famine or plague outbreaks; small groups of bandits hiding out in forests; uprisings led by local lords who want more autonomy from royal control; plots against members within your family tree…the list goes on! The best way to deal with these things is simply by keeping an eye out for them before they get out of hand–you don’t want anyone dying unnecessarily because we weren’t paying attention enough!

Play as the Pope

You can play as the Pope, but only if you’re Catholic and have a holy war in progress. You’ll also need at least two cities for your kingdom, which means that you’ll probably need to build up your holdings before trying this out.

Once those conditions are met, go to your character screen and click on “Create New Ruler.” Then select the “Pope” option under Religion. You’ll be able to choose from several different popes–from Gregory VII (1073) all the way down through Urban VI (1378).


If you’re looking for a game with a lot of depth and replayability, Crusader Kings 3 is a perfect choice. With hundreds of hours’ worth of gameplay options, there’s always something new to discover in this expansive strategy game.